Traducción & Definición

qualified: cualificado, competente adjective
He's finished studying and now he's a qualified chef. Ya ha terminado sus estudios y ahora es un cocinero cualificado.


  • "I would like to formally express my interest in this position, for which I feel I am well qualified."
  • "You should consult a qualified health professional immediately..."
  • "His name is Trey Feltchenheimer and he has experience in both management and customer service, and he is highly qualified in a number of related fields."
  • "You have extensive experience in the customer service field and you certainly seem qualified for this position."
  • "I would like to formally express my interest in this position, for which I feel I am extremely qualified."
  • "The Delavigne Corporation, a worldwide leader in cosmetics, seeks an experienced, qualified professional to manage the new customer service department in San Francisco."
  • "Of all the candidates that applied, you're the least qualified, but the most handsome."
  • "I am a highly qualified applicant for that position."

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