Traducción & Definición

a punishment: un castigo, una sanción noun
to punish: castigar, sancionar


  • "His mother has grounded him as punishment for getting drunk."
  • "However, he's a fragile creature, so don't be too hard on him. He needs help, not punishment."
  • "Bruno : It's because of them that we are here, this is our punishment for our friendly boxing match."
  • "Come to my office to receive your punishment."
  • "Bruno : It's because of them that we are here - this is our punishment for our friendly boxing match."
  • "Come to my office in five minutes to receive your punishment."
  • "I'm finally being punished for being a bad computer user."
  • "Aren't you going to punish him?"
  • "I don't want to sound strange, but I think the gods are punishing me for my ego."

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