Traducción & Definición

to publish: publicar, editar, divulgar


  • "Sigourney : Yes, the article was published last week."
  • ""How to read" from Mental Publishing, buy it now at bookstores everywhere!"
  • "A new report published by the BNB (Bad News Bearers) shows that obesity among Americans is not slowing down, as naive idealists continue to suggest, but rather growing at a nearly exponential rate."
  • "The Peking Duck is proud to publish this illegally obtained information."
  • "A recent study published in the New York Post reports that Americans eat between 10 and 15 eggs per week on average."
  • "And as you must know, since those figures were published this morning, our stock has already dropped 5.67 points as of 3:20 pm New York time, according to my Raspberry portable device."
  • "The book will be privately published and given to 500 of our most exclusive clients to reward them for their loyalty (and hopefully make us look pretty cool)."

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