Traducción & Definición

proud: orgulloso adjective
I'm proud to announce the opening of our fiftieth Delavigne boutique. Estoy orgulloso de anunciar la apertura de nuestra tienda Delavigne número cincuenta.
I'm proud of the local soccer team. Estoy orgulloso del equipo local de fútbol.
pride: el orgullo noun
Gay Pride El Orgullo Gay
(the city's) proud (history): (La historia) gloriosa (de una ciudad) adjective

UK: I'm very proud of my little brother.
US: This new tricycle is my pride and joy.


  • "It's a question of male pride."
  • "I am proud of my Chinese son."
  • "Krazy Gidyon : Sheeba... she is the pride of Lebanon."
  • "After years of research, I'm proud to introduce you all to my newest employee, THX-1134, the ultimate salesperson!"
  • "Edward Kimberly, and I'm not mentally ill, but proud and lucky."
  • "Bruno : I just wanted you to be proud of me, Papi... (starts crying)"
  • "I've never felt so proud to be your father!"
  • "We are proud to announce sweeping reforms at Warbuckle's department stores in the interest of philanthropy."
  • "You should all be very proud of your colleague, who is brave, kind and spiritually curious."
  • "Due to popular demand, as well as the concerning rise of obesity in our office, I'm proud to officially open the “Xavier Delavigne Memorial Sport and Fitness center for exercise”."

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