Traducción & Definición

a prospect: un cliente potencial noun
the prospect (of working here...): la posibilidad (de trabajar aquí...) noun


  • "These are clients and prospects who represent a large amount of money to the Corporation."
  • "And don't forget that I have my own clients and prospects as well."
  • "Beyond this, Mr. Feltchenheimer's ability to handle difficult situations with a calm and composed demeanor leads me to believe that he is our most serious prospect."
  • "It's my job to ensure that clients, prospects and partners are satisfied with our products and service."
  • "While Wang has his work cut out for him, the idea that China can compete with the traditional European luxury giants in retail and distribution is no longer a hazy prospect, but now a near certainty."
  • "Philip : I assign prospective clients to the team, and advise the staff on dealing with difficult prospects."
  • "It outlines our projected earnings for the quarter and offers a comprehensive listing of our new overseas prospects."

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