Traducción & Definición

to point out: señalar, indicar, mostrar, hacer notar verb
Thanks for pointing out that I came to work wearing mismatched socks. Gracias por indicarme que vine a trabajar con dos calcetines de distinto color.
Philip pointed out the new intern in the marketing department to me. Philip me indicó quién era el nuevo becario del departamento de marketing.


  • "Susie : Even if the monkey doesn't talk, the competition will surely point out the presence of monkeys in our laboratory."
  • "Before beginning though, I'd like to point out that the suggestion box is not"
  • "Environmentalists point out that the production of biofuels isn't entirely green."
  • "I'd just like to point out to you that there is absolutely no need to use me as an intermediary when making an appointment with Donna, for two reasons"
  • "Brent : Wendy, I'd like to point out to you that not only am I highly educated but also very very rich."
  • "As Luna points out, Christmas is a time of joy but also of needless consumeristic folly."
  • "I'd like to point out that this list does NOT include 'loud coughing', 'mumbling incoherently', or 'weird British accent'."

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