Traducción & Definición

to plot (someone's death, against someone): conspirar (para matar a alguien, en contra de alguien) verb
a plot: un complot, una conspiración noun
the plot of a novel el argumento de una novela


  • "You've been plotting to kill him ever since you arrived here!"
  • "Lucy : Well, Diddly is making a new film and the exciting part is that he wants Delavigne perfumes to be an integral part of the plot!"
  • "Always scheming and plotting against people, stealing monkeys, writing ransom notes, blackmailing all the time."
  • "plots and conspiracies, failed assassination attempts, 10 most wanted cats in Sweden."
  • "Edward : Hi, this is Edward Moon, I'm not here right now because I'm taking part in a secret plot to overthrow the robots that have taken over the Delavigne Corporation - boooo!"

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