Traducción & Definición

plenty: mucho, en cantidad, de sobra adverbadjectivenoun
There are five beers in the refrigerator, that should be plenty for one person. Hay cinco cervezas en la nevera, más que suficente para uno.
There was alcohol, and plenty of it. Había alcohol de sobra.
I already have plenty to do today. Hoy tengo mucho que hacer.
plentiful: abundante adjective
I have a plentiful supply of gin at home. Tengo una abundante reserva de ginebra en casa.


  • "Dad : Oh believe me, I grew up with grandpa Xavier, and plenty of people think he's weird."
  • "Jason : We have plenty of other vacancies too: shrimp catchers, for example."
  • "I've got plenty of other Scottish things planned for today: I've got a full-sized replica of the Loch Ness monster in the parking lot, and Brian mentioned that he'd like to try on some dresses with you later."
  • "Get some rest, and drink plenty of fluids."
  • "Take plenty of reading material!"
  • "I would like the main bedroom to have direct access to the bathroom and plenty of storage space."
  • "He has plenty of room in the backyard!"
  • "The third property has plenty of storage space."
  • "There are plenty of other alternatives."
  • "Dad : Oh, believe me, I grew up with Grandpa Xavier, and plenty of people think he's weird."

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