Traducción & Definición

a pirate: un pirata noun
to pirate (a software program): piratear, copiar ilegalmente (un programa informático, un software) verb


  • "I'm here because two European tourists - Dutch to be precise - have been taken hostage by pirates."
  • "Brent : Pirates?"
  • "Rupert : The Dutch Navy has encircled the boat, and is communicating with the pirates via loudspeaker."
  • "Rupert : The pirates are demanding a ransom of $2 million for the safe return of the hostages, believed to be a couple in their thirties."
  • "Not that kind of pirate."
  • "Jean : When I was little, I always wanted to be a pirate, to sail the seven seas and look for treasures and use my sword... and my gun..."
  • "What do you think about pirates?"
  • "I don't want you pirating illegal copies of a software program. I will not tolerate bootlegged software in our offices because of legal concerns."
  • "Did the pirates shoot someone?"

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