Traducción & Definición

a pioneer: un pionero noun
pioneering: precursor, innovador adjective
The work that Horatio has done in the perfume industry is truly pioneering. La labor de Horatio en la industria del perfume ha sido verdaderamente precursora.
to pioneer (a medical treatment): descubrir, ser el primero en poner en práctica (un tratamiento) verb
In the Amazon, Horatio pioneered the research on a cure for Anosmia. En el Amazonas, Horatio fue el primero en investigar un tratamiento para la anosmia.


  • "All this will further cement this company's reputation as an industry pioneer and leader."
  • "The board of the IACF thought it only fitting that you, one of the true pioneers in the fragrance and cosmetic community, deliver the speech to mark the Vicennial anniversary of our organization."
  • "One of the pioneering fathers of the fragrance world, Mr. Bruno Xavier Delavigne, is dead."

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