Traducción & Definición

pink: rosa, rosado nounadjective


  • "In the pink corner, all the way from Oxford, England, Brian "The Butcher" Jones!"
  • "Nana was so beautiful, she would wear these amazing pink dresses with lace and frills."
  • "In the pink corner, all the way from Oxford, England, Brian "the butcher" Jones!"
  • "I will take care of everything and meet you at the airport in a pink Cadillac."
  • "Please meet me at the green bench on the west side of Paradise Park on Friday, September 28th at 7:37 pm. I will be wearing a pink tuxedo with a black carnation."
  • "I shall be wearing a pink carnation and carrying a copy of The Financial Times - folded."
  • "I love you for your pink Cadillac."
  • "Reception to follow at the Pink Pony"
  • "Although the bathroom isn't accessible from either bedroom, the apartment is painted pink, yellow and pale blue throughout."
  • "The Moulin Magic is the stack of pink bottles over there."

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