Traducción & Definición

the personnel: el personal noun


  • "Primary responsibilities include answering incoming customer calls and managing a small staff of telephone hotline personnel."
  • "The balloon lost radio contact with airport personnel some time after 7:00 am, said air traffic controllers at the Napa Valley Hot Air Center."
  • "Director of Personnel"
  • "Shoshana was captured and caged minutes after the attack, when stunned zoo personnel discovered the tiger standing over Timothy and kissing him affectionately."
  • "Her responsibilities include recruitment, managing personnel and mediating staff disputes."
  • "I'm glad we have this opportunity to sit down together and finally discuss some personnel issues."
  • "There are many things to consider at the end of the year, and we certainly have some important decisions to make regarding departmental budgets and personnel payroll."
  • "Since you're in charge of personnel, I want to ask you to approach the accounts department on my behalf."
  • "The balloon, or Montgolfier, lost radio contact with local airport personnel some time after 7:00 am, said air traffic controllers at the Napa Valley Hot Air Center, where the balloon took off around 12:00 the previous night."
  • "Coordinated the talents of band personnel (Jon, Randi and Gringo)."

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