Traducción & Definición

a part: una parte, una división, una pieza noun
Only part of what I said was a lie. Solo una parte de lo que dije era mentira.
What part of the manual talks about printing problems? ¿En que sección del manual se tratan los problemas de impresión?
A part of the computer is missing. Falta una pieza del ordenador.
a part (in a film): un papel (en una película) noun


  • "Edward : Ah, ok... That part means that there will be 6 months where the Delavigne share price remains stable..."
  • "Today we'll discover a part of the world that I know nothing about: Scandinavia!"
  • "Wang Automotive (Beijing, formerly "Xiao's Car Parts", acquired in June 1994, 83% ownership)"
  • "Which part are you from?"
  • "Thanks to a stroke of brilliance on my part, a shipment of Bruno's Brew is now on its way to our Sales Affiliate in Brazil."
  • "Bruno : Ah... So this part at the end - that climbs - it must mean that our share price will recover!"
  • "Mrs Bentley : Let's begin, I love doing this part."
  • "Tonight we're going to reminisce about some of the moments that have made Funky Friday a nutritious part of your Gymglish breakfast month after month."
  • "Answer me, Greg, this part of the song is interactive!"
  • "This is my favorite part of the game."

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