Traducción & Definición

the origin: el origen, la fuente, el inicio noun


  • "A large slab of meat of indeterminate origin (Ask your server)"
  • "For example, in France, we emphasize Delavigne's French origins much more than we do here in the States."
  • "While there are an estimated 12 million immigrants of Mexican origin working illegally in the US, we are focusing on this isolated case only because a celebrity is involved, and that's what the people want to know about."
  • "In an isolated village, Delavigne met Horatio Oléré, a shaman of ambiguous origins."
  • "In a remote village, Delavigne first met Horatio Oléré, a shaman of ambiguous origins."
  • "I will of course insist on a good cross-section of society in terms of age, gender, ethnic origin, etc."
  • "Origins : It's a pagan thing about dead people."
  • "Brian : Someone has singled me out because of my ethnic origin, and is tormenting me with racist graffiti!"

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