Traducción & Definición

one day: un día, algún día idiom


  • "One day I met a girl in a bar."
  • "Am I going to get married one day?"
  • "Captain Donny Dare : Okay Jean, I think that's enough for one day."
  • "In fact, maybe one day... you'll work for me!"
  • "I hope that one day you find the man of your dreams. A man who is worthy of you."
  • "Well, I think that's enough for one day."
  • "It is written in an ancient prophecy that one day, when the Earth is in trouble, an "Ice Accountant" will travel from the past to the future to save the Earth!"
  • "You will wake up one day in the future to a new life in youthful good health!"
  • "Could I drop by and see you one day this week?"

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Me encanta hacer mis cursos de inglés en línea. Unos diez minutos al día son suficientes... Gracias.



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