Traducción & Definición

on the way: en el camino, en la ruta idiom


  • "For the past two weeks, there have been constant thunderstorms here, and the winds have reached speeds of 200 miles per hour, which usually indicates that there's a tornado on its way."
  • "Last I heard you were happily married with a child on the way."
  • "We killed a lot of bugs on the way here unfortunately!"
  • "A great career, an incredible husband and a baby on the way."
  • "Edward : On the way downtown I fell asleep"
  • "Thanks to a stroke of brilliance on my part, a shipment of Bruno's Brew is now on its way to our Sales Affiliate in Brazil."
  • "Susie : Follow me to the conference room and I'll explain on the way."
  • "Mary : I will take your report on the way to my desk, Spencer."

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