Traducción & Definición

nutrition: la nutrición noun
nutritional: nutricional adjective


  • "Through the help of my personal trainer and spiritual guru, Philip Cheeter, I have discovered the benefits of a strict nutritional regimen and regular physical fitness."
  • "Moira : This morning we're going to continue our discussion on health and nutrition, specifically the diet."
  • "Food, Nutrition, & Optimal Health"
  • "From next year, sugary, fatty, and salty foods will carry more than just a red flag with nutrition details."
  • "Moira : Potassium is delicious, Brent, but even so, the American Nutritional Board warns that eating too many eggs poses a health risk due to high levels of cholesterol, which can affect people with heart disease."
  • "However, I now have an answer to all of your concerns: health and safety, hygiene, nutrition, freshness of food, vegetarian options, vegan options, gluten-free options, kosher options, halal options, nut allergies, and all the other things you're always bothering me about."

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