Traducción & Definición

Now then. Where were we?: Entonces, ahora bien. Dónde estábamos idiom


  • "Now, Edward, where were we?"
  • "Hannah : Now then, I'm looking for a new fragrance."
  • "Anyway, where were we?"
  • "Susie : Now then, Philip, what is this "fantastic marketing idea" of yours?"
  • "Now then... what is it Brian?"
  • "Now then, let's get started."
  • "Donna : Now then, that's better."
  • "Now then, if there is any man who objects to this lawful union between these two lovely people, let him speak now or forever hold his peace."
  • "Brian : Well at least I'm the first one here... Now then, must make sure I've brought everything... Ok then: Rug... check."
  • "Donna : Now then Hannah, where do you come from?"

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