Traducción & Definición

(she is) nothing but (a liar): (no es) sino (una mentirosa) expression
(there is) nothing but (garbage here): (aquí) solo hay (basura)


  • "It's nothing but titillation."
  • "We have been doing so since 1909, when Fergus McGillicutty first moved to America with nothing but a broomstick and a bar of clover soap."
  • "Nothing but bad news these days."
  • "Just as I was packing up my things, Horatio stumbled into my office wearing nothing but a loincloth."
  • "I would like to express that I have nothing but respect for the work of Philip Cheeter, who is well-known and highly-reputed in my field of work, as well as for the Delavigne Corporation, which is rapidly becoming the standard-bearer for modern cosmetics corporations."
  • "I believed that nothing but blood, sweat and tears would get my business off the ground."
  • "I'll be hosting the event in the Delavigne cafeteria with nothing but earplugs and a bottle of strong Scotch to kill the pain."
  • "I'm not sure why he would choose to live there - from what I've read, it seems like nothing but large black bears and rough lumberjacks."
  • "If Greek tragedy has taught us anything (apart from the fact that we shouldn't sleep with our mothers), it is that too much pride, or hubris, brings nothing but trouble."

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