Traducción & Definición

the nose: la nariz noun


  • "Let me introduce you to Horatio Oléré, Delavigne's "nose" and head of our Research and Development department."
  • "Brian : Well, sir, I'm sure you already know of Horatio Oléré, the head of our Research and Development department - Delavigne's "Nose"."
  • "Brian : He's tall, handsome, well-dressed, beautiful shoulders, fantastic nose—"
  • "Examples: "She still hasn't apologized for breaking my heart or my nose."
  • "As you know, we honor distinguished "Noses" from around the world, and appoint a "Nose Genius" each year."
  • "They call me the "nose"."
  • "Blonde hair, funny nose!"
  • "May I suggest that Horatio Oléré, my head "Nose", speak in my place?"
  • "I'm sure you already know of Horatio Oléré, the head of our Research and Development department, and Delavigne's "Nose"."
  • "Chairman, The Nose Awards Committee (NAC)"

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