Traducción & Definición

(the) northern (hemisphere, France): (el hemisferio) Norte, el Norte (de Francia) adjective


  • "A few years ago, Northern Ireland, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Russia and Israel were also desirable locations for corporate giants and mid-level enterprises alike."
  • "The northern teams really want to establish themselves as the southern teams have historically dominated."
  • "Hannah has a strong Northern British accent, and equally strong views on many issues."
  • "But here's the real problem. Eliminating half of the fishing industry would have a devastating effect on unemployment levels in Northern Scotland."
  • "He's reporting live from a fishing boat off Northern Scotland."
  • "The rugby world seems to be split into two camps: those teams in the Northern hemisphere and those originating from the South, notably the South Africans, the Australians and the legendary All Blacks from New Zealand."

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