Traducción & Definición
Needless to say that...: No es necesario decir que...
My boss is coming over to the house tomorrow. Needless to say, you must be on your best behavior. Mi jefe viene mañana a casa. Sobra decir que debes comportarte de forma ejemplar.
I need (to do my laundry): Necesito (lavar mi ropa)
- "Needless to say, all this is very disturbing."
- "Needless to say, he is our most valuable client."
- "Needless to say, she was slightly concerned when she saw that this "omelet" was frozen, and then defrosted in the microwave."
- "Needless to say, if the media found out about Freddie's "lifestyle", they'd have a field day."
- "Needless to say, everyone needs to be on their best behavior."
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