Traducción & Definición

a mobile phone: un teléfono móvil noun
(Is your grandmother still) mobile?: ¿(Tu abuela todavía puede) caminar? adjective

UK: Call me on my mobile phone - I carry it everywhere with me.
US: I work for a mobile library. I bring books to people who aren't as mobile as my van.


  • "If there is any problem with the content, please contact me on my mobile phone or by email as soon as possible."
  • "I'm Spitting - using "Spitter" on my mobile phone!"
  • "To make things worse, I also lent her my mobile phone."
  • "Please clear my schedule and forward all important calls to my mobile phone."
  • "It lets me update my status via mobile phone or internet, so everyone knows what I'm up to."
  • "These days, people are shopping and banking online, instant messaging from mobile phones, posting status updates through Spitter, blogging, vlogging (or better yet mobile vlogging), aggregating news from various sources and perfecting their profiles on popular social networking sites."
  • "Mobile phone? Edward : No."
  • "And he's a Sagittarius, which means that he likes indulgence, and romance novels, and new mobile phones, and gold bracelets -"
  • "Jonas : Umm. Cars, mobile phones, paper products, chemicals, steel and wood... that sort of thing."
  • "These days, people are shopping and banking online, instant messaging from mobile phones, posting status updates through Spitter, blogging, vlogging (or better yet mobile vlogging), aggregating news from various sources and perfecting their profiles on popular social networking sites."

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