Traducción & Definición
the main course, the main dish: el plato principal (o segundo plato)
What would you like for your main course? ¿Qué te apetece de plato principal?
the first course:
el primer plato
- "I made reservations for Chez Marguerite, but you must promise that you'll stick to an appetizer and a main course."
- "Smoked salmon pâté Main courses"
- "Not that I will have an appetite after this horrible main course!"
- "Moira : It's called "haggis", Brent, and it's a traditional Scottish dish which has been around for hundreds of years."
- "Luna DeLune: Ms. DeLune is apparently training to be a part time circus-yoga instructor (a combination of yoga, clowning, and partner acrobatics), and begins her first course early Friday evening."
- "Are you ready to order a main course?"
- "Woman: For my main course, I'd like the fish & chips."
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