Traducción & Definición
(over) lunch: (en el, durante el) almuerzo
Lunch raramente va precedido de artículo:
Let's have lunch, it's 1 PM and I'm hungry. Almorcemos. Es la una del mediodía y tengo hambre.
I'm going to lunch now. Ahora salgo a comer.
Lunch is at 1 PM. El almuerzo es a la una.
(Let's) get lunch: (Salgamos, vayamos a) comer, almorzar
- "You were the lunch on a big fish's plate!"
- "Bruno wants bacon and eggs for lunch today!"
- "Philip : Well Edward, this lunch has certainly been an experience."
- "Anyway, let's go get lunch."
- "I ate my lunch with Susie Bliss today!"
- "Hannah : Icarus, are you coming to lunch?"
- "Why don't you have Brian make the reservations for you, and we can get started on your speech after lunch?"
- "Oh yeah, I had tomato ketchup for my lunch."
- "Voice : Who dares disturb the Illuminati during our lunch break?"
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