Traducción & Definición

a liquid: un líquido noun


  • "He was trying to create an experimental new fragrance called "Liquid Dynamite" when he accidentally mixed some dangerous chemicals together."
  • "Edward : There's Moulin Magic, it's never tragic, Liquid Dynamite, it's quite alright, Amazon Passion, it's always in fashion."
  • "One might go as far as to say that there's liquid... ejaculating from it."
  • "How many units of Liquid Dynamite will you take?"
  • "Just for you a 30 percent discount on all units of Liquid Dynamite!"
  • "Next: Liquid Dynamite..."
  • "He was trying to create an experimental new fragrance called "Liquid Dynamite", when he accidentally mixed some dangerous chemicals together."
  • "According to him, Moulin Magic is the most combustible liquid he has ever used."
  • "He was experimenting with a new fragrance called "Liquid Dynamite" when he accidentally mixed some dangerous chemicals together with tragic results."
  • "He had been working on an experimental new fragrance called "Liquid Dynamite" when he mixed together some dangerous chemicals."

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