Traducción & Definición

a lion: un león noun


  • "It's not a lion, it's a horse!"
  • "Oh yeah! Lions? Maybe."
  • "Mistake 2: You should never force lions to wear rollerblades."
  • "Although "Lion Flower" looks similar to "TigerLily", I am reliably informed that its scent is second-rate and it will only be purchased by those outside our target market."
  • "The product, "Lion Flower", is currently being sold alongside "TigerLily" at one third of the price."
  • "For this reason I have sent you a bottle of "Lion Flower" by express delivery, which should arrive in the next couple of days."
  • "Brent : Hello everyone, I'm Brent Vanderplop reporting live from the jungle, the mighty jungle, where lions sleep tonight."

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