Traducción & Definición

a journalist: un periodista noun


  • "Journalist 2 : Mr. Delavigne!"
  • "Journalist 2 : Mr. Delavigne, what do you plan on doing next?"
  • "I'm a journalist at the Sunday Roast newspaper in London, England."
  • "Journalist 1 : Mr. Delavigne, what kind of movie are you going to see?"
  • "We live in a world where 7.5 journalists out of 10 don't know what they're talking about, and the other 2.5 can't get jobs."
  • "I spent months trying to convince the journalist to feature us."
  • "Journalist 1 : Mr. Delavigne, would you care to address rumors of your alleged homosexuality once and for all?"
  • "Susie : To be fair, the journalist does give a balanced description of each perfume."
  • "Journalist 1 : How many times, sir?"
  • "Bruno : The journalist knows how to read the packaging of each product, they probably didn't even open any of the perfumes!"

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