Traducción & Definición

instead of (doing something): en lugar de, en vez (hacer algo) prepositionadverb
Instead of precede a un nombre o a un verbo en gerundio (verbo en -ing) :
I would prefer tea instead of coffee. Preferiría té en vez de café.
Instead of asking questions, you should just start working. En vez de hacer de preguntas, deberías empezar a trabajar.
instead (end of sentence): en su lugar (al final de la frase) adverb
El adverbio instead (sin la preposición of) se emplea al final de la frase:
They needed a banker, but they got a consultant instead. Necesitaban un banquero pero en su lugar tuvieron a un consultor.


  • "I thought that returning to the continent would bring me closer to my roots, instead it has shown me the terrifying consequences of disrupting the European Union."
  • "Instead, it's a desperate one."
  • "Philip : Well normally I'd say hell yes, but why don't we just get down to business instead?"
  • "Philip : Instead we're looking for a bear!"
  • "I had mashed potatoes instead of a steak!"
  • "Instead, you're going to be taking part in some exciting, challenging, and extremely dangerous missions..."
  • "Edward : Eh... Actually, could I have mashed potatoes instead?"
  • "Instead, I intend to ruin the reputation of a good man through a combination of rumors, internet research and wild speculation*."
  • "Edward : No, I wanted mashed potatoes instead of the steak and fries."

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