Traducción & Definición

in the spirit of: con actitud de, con espíritu de idiom
It's not in the spirit of teamwork to betray one another. That's not the essence of working together at all. La traición no forma parte del espíritu del trabajo en equipo. No es en absoluto la esencia del trabajo cooperativo.
in the Christmas spirit con espíritu navideño
Team spirit is required for this job Para este puesto se necesita espíritu de equipo.
a spirit: un espíritu noun


  • "Bruno : Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, I present Edward Moon, who will sing us a company spirit song!"
  • "My yoga sessions help me clear my mind and purify my spirit."
  • "Day 3 : Our tasks include washing dishes, peeling potatoes, and having our spirit slowly crushed by the inexorable passing of time."
  • "It's time we fostered a sense of team spirit within Delavigne, which is why I have decided to enter a Delavigne dodgeball team into a tournament taking place next month."
  • "Philip : Bells on bobtail ring, singing spirits bright, oh what fun it is to laugh and sing, a sleighing song tonight!"
  • "So I make sure that there's good team spirit."
  • "Until then, let's get back to the spirit of the season: getting drunk as skunks, stuffing our faces with food, and of course, putting up with our family!"
  • "Brian : No sir, it's the Christmas spirit!"

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