Traducción & Definición

What do you have in mind?: ¿Qué tiene en mente?; ¿Qué idea tiene?; ¿Qué planea (hacer)? idiom
I have it in mind to (do something): Tengo la idea de (hacer algo); Planeo (hacer algo) idiom
I bought this with you in mind: Compré esto pensando en ti idiom
the mind: la mente


  • "I've got something far crazier in mind!"
  • "Bruno : Actually, Tinkerbell has something else in mind for this evening - a little "action"... if you know what I mean."
  • "Brian : Now that sounds interesting, Hannah. What did you have in mind?"
  • "Bruno : Actually Tinkerbell has something else in mind for this evening... a little "action"... if you know what I mean."
  • "We're looking for Bruno, we don't have a specific destination in mind!"
  • "Designed with college students in mind, this account has a low minimum balance: only $100."
  • "Do you have a particular style in mind?"
  • "Caroline : What do you have in mind?"

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