Traducción & Definición

in any case, in any event: en cualquier caso, de todas formas idiom
In any case, I will be working late tonight. En cualquier caso, esta noche trabajaré hasta tarde.
Someone will be at the office this weekend in any event, so you can call anytime. En cualquier caso, este fin de semana habrá alguien en la oficina, así que puedes llamar cuando quieras.


  • "In any case, it is always a pleasure doing business with you and your team and I look forward to our next meeting."
  • "In any case, I'd like to introduce you to someone I think you all know, who's also a wizard at dodgeball."
  • "Scott : In any case, there's an important factor that you should consider."
  • "In any case, to respond to your remark, yes our forecast was a bit off the mark."
  • "In any case, I prefer to discuss this matter directly with their creator."
  • "In any case, I've booked you a ticket to Alaska for tomorrow."
  • "In any case, I think you have a misconception that publicity and helping the environment are mutually exclusive!"
  • "In any case, destroying your computer sounds a bit extreme."
  • "In any case, his efficiency is incredible, as you can see from the charts I have included in my report."

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