Traducción & Definición

an image: una imagen, un cuadro, una idea, un concepto noun


  • "Some of the images from that session were much more discreet than the ones we chose for the posters."
  • "Of course, it's fine that Sheik Jafar should like the scent - I don't see why not - but to market it with his own image on the bottle?"
  • "Enclosed in this pack are some samples taken from the Classic Collection campaign: our key image in Saudi Arabia, and its equivalent in France for comparison."
  • "And a rusty Delavigne wouldn't be very good for the company's image."
  • "I'm not sure that would be great for his image as a leader of men."
  • "He'd like to see his own image on the bottle - alongside Delavigne of course - since he thinks this fragrance sums up his personality so well."
  • "We're trying to get away from the clichéd image that the world has of Australia."
  • "Rather, food manufacturers will be legally obliged to show a "gruesome" image of an obese person."
  • "But, I'm a bit concerned about your image, Jean."
  • "Delavigne Corp has revitalized its image by redesigning one of the most recognized symbols in the world of perfume and cosmetics: the Delavigne logo."

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