Traducción & Definición

hygiene: la higiene noun


  • "We always appreciate interest in our products, and we are always pleased to share our love for cleanliness and hygiene with others."
  • "However, I can tell you that the initiative kills two birds with one stone: not only should it improve the level of hygiene in the office, it will also provide a permanent use for otherwise useless intern, Edward Moon."
  • "I put my job first, and ignored distractions like personal relationships, friends, lovers even pets and occasionally personal hygiene."
  • "Poor hygiene."
  • "The overall upturn is largely due to higher demand for make-up and personal hygiene products in emerging Asian markets."
  • "However, I now have an answer to all of your concerns: health and safety, hygiene, nutrition, freshness of food, vegetarian options, vegan options, gluten-free options, kosher options, halal options, nut allergies, and all the other things you're always bothering me about."
  • "It was not a question of hygiene in the kitchen, nor of out-of-date tuna."

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