Traducción & Definición

human: (ser) humano nounadjective
I used to be a mermaid, but a witch turned me into a human. I'm a real person now with two arms and legs. Antes era una sirena, pero una bruja me convirtió en ser humano. Ahora soy una persona real, con piernas y brazos.
humanly possible: humanamente posible idiom


  • "That's the fifth human he's eaten this week."
  • "Philip : But I always thought that aliens had green skin and big eyes and triangle heads, and watched the XXX-files, and you know, abducted humans and stuff."
  • "Glitches after receiving phone calls from his mother, like the human version."
  • "Bruno : Some of our human employees are finding it hard to adapt to these changes, but they understand that our animal friends are welcome."
  • "You humans, you're so... human!"
  • "Fornication is a disgusting act that degrades all humans, Mr. Jones."
  • "Still, there is hope for the human resistance: Edward and I have kidnapped the most important and handsome robot - BrianBot!"
  • "You humans, you're so... human!"
  • "Narrator : And what do your human staff think of this?"
  • "the president of a multinational perfume company should not be promoting a human cockfight in a business environment."

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