Traducción & Definición

however: sin embargo conjunctionadverb
Bruno lost his ability to smell, however he still creates perfumes. Bruno ha perdido su capacidad olfativa, sin embargo continúa creando perfumes.
however much it costs: Por mucho que cueste conjunctionadverb
However igualmente puede significarNo matter how en las siguientes construcciones:
However rich he may be, he doesn't want to retire. Por muy rico que sea, no piensa jubilarse.
(= No matter how rich he may be)
This exercise, however easy (it may be), must be finished. Este ejercicio, por muy fácil que sea, debe terminarse.

UK: We will allow you to travel however you like.
US: However is a nice word; however it's sometimes difficult to use.


  • "The following winter however, Bruno suffered an unfortunate accident that would change his life forever."
  • "You neglected to mention where the conference is being held, however I do recommend the Bristol Arms Hotel if you're looking for a place to stay."
  • "I've made a decision, however, and rather than follow in my grandfather's footsteps, and live his dream, I've decided to pursue my own dream. Ladies and gentleman, I've decided to become..."
  • "As I get older, however, I must admit, my feelings on family have changed, rather dramatically in fact."
  • "I am, however excited."
  • "The following winter however, Bruno suffered an unfortunate accident which would change the course of his destiny."
  • "However, I really want to see this."
  • "Ms. Lohan already sits on our board of trustees, however she is considering investing a large amount of capital in the company, which would allow us to finally purchase the island zoo that everyone keeps asking about."
  • "Before you see him, however, I have some bad news."
  • "You however, are responsible for sourcing my new companion."

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