Traducción & Definición

a hospital: un hospital noun


  • "Subject: Insane Person in hospital - Please pick up!"
  • "When he awoke, Bruno was lying in a hospital bed."
  • "If this person belongs to you, or sounds like someone you know, please come to the hospital immediately, mmkay?"
  • "Icarus got very sunburnt and spent the evening in the hospital with minor facial burns, but overall, the picnic was a success, no thanks to the rest of you!"
  • "It smells like a French hospital."
  • "Zion of Mohammed Hospital."
  • "The assaulted man is in stable condition at a local hospital."
  • "Icarus also got very sunburnt and spent the evening in the hospital with minor facial burns."
  • "When he woke up, Bruno was lying in a hospital bed."

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