Traducción & Definición

(a) horrible (man): (un hombre) espantoso, horrible, horrendo adjective
He was a horrible little boy, always pulling the legs off spiders. Era un niño horrible, siempre arrancándole las patas a las arañas.

UK: He was a horrible little boy, always pulling the legs off spiders.
US: That is the most horrible shirt I have ever seen.


  • "- "Crocodile Dundee" (those horrible films!)"
  • "I mean, I love your acting in "Horrible Crimes and Forensic Miracles"."
  • ""Horrible Crimes and Forensic Miracles"... Those were the good old days."
  • "The TV network canceled "Horrible Crimes and Forensic Miracles" due to poor ratings."
  • "He plays the doctor in the show, "Horrible Crimes and Forensic Miracles"."
  • "The experience was utterly humiliating for both of us, and for a long while, it seemed that we would die in that horrible, detestable yet meticulously organized hellhole."
  • "Also, you're a horrible person and I don't want to help you."
  • "Brian : Oh dear, how horrible!"
  • "Bruno : Undeniably horrible!"
  • "Edward : Oh my god Jean, that's horrible!"

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