Traducción & Definición

to hope: esperar verb
I hope you had a good time. Espero que te hayas divertido.
hope: la esperanza noun
Let's not give up hope. No perdamos la esperanza.

UK: I hope the weather stays this nice for the weekend.
US: I have high hopes for this project.


  • "We sincerely hope you will be able to join us."
  • "I certainly hope so."
  • "I have an announcement to make, one which I hope will change the face of retail forever!"
  • "I hope you like it... Grandpa?"
  • "I hope you're right."
  • "I hope that you had a good sleep, and the ground was comfortable."
  • "I hope that you have learned many things and meditated in many uncomfortable postures."
  • "I hope those arrangements suit you."
  • "Well, I hope everyone enjoyed our comedians tonight!"
  • "Bruno : I hope you're right, Admiral."

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