Traducción & Definición

a hippie: un hippie (o hippy) noun
The hippie movement was especially prominent in the 1960s and 1970s.


  • "Horatio : We are going to make a special perfume that will turn General Hurley Burley into a peace-loving hippie."
  • "In the 1960s, the Haight-Ashbury district was the center of the hippie counterculture movement and "Flower Power"."
  • "It's a hippie circus!"
  • "- The amazing hippie clowns!"
  • "All of the hippies, but none of the squares!"
  • "Step right up and get your ticket to the hippie circus."
  • "Hippie circus dude : Ladies and gentlemen, it's the circus."
  • "General Rainbow Child's Hippie Circus"
  • "Sorry Brian, the hippie circus is in town!"

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