Traducción & Definición

a freeway (US), a motorway (UK): una autopista noun
Shall we take the scenic route or the freeway? ¿Cogemos la ruta panorámica o la autopista?
a highway (US): una autovía, una carretera noun
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair (The Eagles - Hotel California) "En una carretera oscura en el desierto, un viento fresco en mi pelo"

UK: I drove backwards all the way down the highway.
US: I was on a dark desert highway, with the cool wind in my hair.


  • "On the Gymglish highway"
  • "Philip : Life is a highway, I wanna ride it all night long!"
  • "Is there any way to avoid the freeways this morning?"
  • "Highway to the danger zone!"
  • "Head out on the highway"
  • "Overshooting the target by 500 feet, Mr. Marron finally came to a stop on the southbound lane of highway 101."
  • "Northbound traffic on highway one isn't much better: An accident at the Embarcadero exit has traffic completely backed up."
  • "I can't wait to get this baby on the freeway!"
  • "Life is a highway, I wanna ride it all night long."
  • "Before we get to today's headlines, let's go to our traffic correspondent Ray Upton, who'll tell us all about a developing situation on the Los Angeles freeways."

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