Traducción & Definición

(a) highly (motivated person): (una persona) muy (motivada) adverb


  • "Conclusion: Montmartre Musk is not highly flammable!"
  • "Philip : Well, that seems highly improbable, even ridiculous."
  • "I am a highly qualified applicant for that position."
  • "Specifically, I've been thinking about your highly unrealistic expectations of making it in the music industry."
  • "We all know Bruno Delavigne as the public face of the highly successful Delavigne Corporation."
  • "Brian : But sir, that would be highly unethical!"
  • "Fans of the punk group "Down with the Duke" will finally get their wish when the band makes its highly anticipated comeback tomorrow night at the Free Trade Room in New York City."
  • "Highly confidential."
  • "Your hotel was highly recommended to us by our colleague Brian Jones."
  • "Icarus : A pinball machine for a computer laboratory is highly unorthodox for a cosmetics company."

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