Traducción & Definición

high-quality: alta calidad adjective
This is a high-quality washing machine. Esta lavadora es de alta calidad.
poor-quality: baja calidad adjective


  • "For example, the Mediterranean diet, which includes small portions of high-quality foods low in saturated fat, has proven to be much more healthy than the American diet, for example."
  • "Insufficient or poor-quality sleep increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, as well as the probability of making risky decisions."
  • "While the print media has indeed been critical of your company recently, we propose focusing on Delavigne's Internet presence to shift the narrative from tabloid gossip to the high quality profiles and experience of your staff."
  • "High-quality accessories: cufflinks and watch should be understated but expensive."
  • "We label all the bottles with high-quality, low-cost labels manufactured by one of our Asian production partners, and designate this perfume as a "special limited edition" of "Bordello Breeze"."

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