Traducción & Definición

to help (out): ayudar verb
Could you help me pick out a tie? ¿Me puedes ayudar a escoger una corbata?
to help someone out ayudar a alguien
(I need) help!: ¡(Necesito) ayuda! noun
Could I be of any help to you? ¿Puedo ayudarle en algo?
helpful: amable, útil, servicial adjective
This information isn't very helpful Esta información no es muy útil.


  • "And help me pick out some nice socks."
  • "Please listen to his advice and remember: he's here to help (and hopefully impress people in high places)."
  • "You need help!"
  • "Would you help us solve the case?"
  • "Lucie : Well, I suppose I could help..."
  • "My yoga sessions help me clear my mind and purify my spirit."
  • "But, before she could leave the building, she heard a cry for help..."
  • "He's currently exiled from heaven so he is available to help us bring the music back to Delavigne."
  • "Brian : Well don't just stand there – help me get dressed!"
  • "Thanks for the help, Edward!"

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