Traducción & Definición
the head (body): la cabeza
the head (of the sales department): el director, el jefe, el responsable (del departamento de Ventas)
to head / to head up: dirigir, estar a la cabeza
Kevin heads the production department. Kevin dirige el departamento de producción.
heads (of a coin): cara (de una moneda)
- "Philip : But I always thought that aliens had green skin and big eyes and triangle heads, and watched the XXX-files, and you know, abducted humans and stuff."
- "Brian : Ok, here we go: 1 dreadlock from the head of Bob Marley... 1 tear from Jim Morrison's dog...."
- "In fact, just this morning, I got my head stuck in the doors of a train."
- "Felix took my science project and then farted on my head."
- "Brian : Oh my god Bruno, your head is stuck in the door!"
- "Bruno : Mother, Felix stole my science project, and then passed wind in the vicinity of my head."
- "Why did you break a chair on my head?"
- "Hey, don't forget your head."
- "Here's one which will make your head explode."
- "My head isn't attached to my body."
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