Traducción & Definición

to have the chance, to have one's chance (to do something): tener la ocasión de (hacer algo) idiom
I didn't have the chance to look over these reports yet. Aún no he tenido la oportunidad de mirar los informes.
to have / to stand a (sporting) chance (of winning): tener muchas oportunidades para (ganar) idiom


  • "Bruno : Don't interrupt Philip, you'll have your chance to speak in a moment."
  • "Anyway, try to send me a quick reply when you have the chance, so that I can make sure everything is okay on the technical side."
  • "This will be followed by our customary round-table discussion, where everyone will have a chance to go over this year's figures and talk about the direction in which the company is moving."
  • "I could sell these items at auction, but I thought I'd let my dear colleagues have a chance to buy them first."
  • "Do you think the Italians have a chance?"
  • "Today we mourn a man who never had a chance to confess the love he clearly felt for me, his loyal, charismatic special assistant."
  • "I trust you both had a chance to put together some compelling arguments?"
  • "Have you had a chance to proofread the content for the Delavigne Website?"
  • "I'm writing to let you know in advance that I'll be attending our quarterly managers meeting in San Francisco next month, and so of course we'll have a chance to talk about how things are going here at your subsidiary in Australia."
  • "Let me start off by saying that I consider myself lucky to have had the chance to speak to Miss Bliss in person."

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