Traducción & Definición
to greet: saludar, recibir
Greetings: Saludos
Christmas greetings Felicitación navideña
a greeting: un saludo
- "Message : (In Chinese) Greetings, you have reached the voicemail of Woo Xiao Xiao."
- "Chuk-Chuk : It is time to greet the day with energy and determination."
- "Carlos : Greetings all Delavigne employees."
- "Greetings sir!"
- "Excuse my typical French greeting, but I have just returned from my homeland (France) and I am filled with a love of France (my homeland) and all things French!"
- "Carlos : Greetings and salutations to all."
- "Alien : Greetings!"
- "Two of them actually came to greet me at the airport: a tour guide and a translator."
- "I'm tired of meeting and I'm tired of greeting."
- "Philip : Greetings people of Cheeterland."
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