Traducción & Definición
gold (medal): (medalla de) oro
Our team managed to win the gold medal this year. Nuestro equipo consiguió este año la medalla de oro.
golden: de oro, dorado
a golden opportunity una oportunidad de oro
golden hair cabellos dorados
the golden age (of Hollywood): la edad dorada (de Hollywood)
Pronunciation examples
UK: Don't point your gold finger at me Mr Goldfinger.
US: The streets in America are paved in gold and concrete.
- "Bruno : You know it's funny, I didn't even know we had a "gold label edition" of "Bordello Breeze" in circulation, and usually I'm the one who gives final approval for our fragrance production."
- "Manager, Golden Gate Gourmet Restaurant"
- "I never understood why the original was so red, so I made my own copy out of 24-carat gold."
- "You are the "Golden Number Child"."
- "Do you know the restaurant, the Golden Gate Gourmet?"
- "It's one of the "Golden Delavigne Promises" you make on your website."
- "Golden Gate Gourmet Restaurant"
- "See you next Thursday at 1 o'clock at the Golden Gate Gourmet restaurant."
- "I can tell you with certainty that this is the first time that such an event has occurred at the Golden Gate Gourmet, and it will undoubtedly be the last."
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