Traducción & Definición
a goal: un objetivo; un gol
My goal is to be CEO of this company one day. Mi objetivo es ser director general de esta compañía algún día.
Bob scored a goal once, when he was a child. Bob anotó un gol una vez cuando era pequeño.
a goalkeeper: un portero
- "Their goal is to promote teamwork and develop "skill sets" which will help us become more confident, more efficient and more focused on the well-being of the entire organization."
- "To help you achieve your goals, I need you to adopt some new habits."
- "Well I think the goal was to express the problem in matrix form, so we're really maximizing C to the power of T times X, which is subject to AX smaller than or equal to B, with X being greater than or equal to zero."
- "Europe is a community of nations dedicated towards one goal"
- "The goal is to create understanding amongst your colleagues."
- "Yesterday, during my "re-education" session, I endured cruel treatment that had but one goal: to remove the very essence of my Britishness."
- "The goal of these focus groups is to gather internal feedback about a couple of new products we're considering."
- "My goal is to pursue a career in the customer service field, specifically in management."
- "Viva Mexico! Goal!"
- "Personally, I intend to achieve my goals as soon as humanly possible, and in one case, as soon as time travel technology permits."
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