Traducción & Definición

to give: dar, regalar verb

Este verbo es irregular:
I give / I gave / I have given
a gift: un regalo, una donación noun
a gift shop una tienda de regalos
given (the situation...): dada (la situación...) idiom
Given the current situation in Iraq, I wouldn't recommend a holiday there. Dada la situación actual en Iraq, no recomendaría unas vacaciones allí.

UK: I'm here to give you your birthday present.
US: I gave her 500 dollars for the antique phone.


  • "In closing, we would be pleased if you would give us your reply as soon as possible."
  • "Give it to me!"
  • "Please give a warm Comedy Factory welcome to Dr. Jermaine Gilchrist!"
  • "Owner : I can't give you a refund, but I can replace him with another animal."
  • "Philip : Well, how are we going to discover what superpowers the milkshakes have given us?"
  • "Give me the paint, there is much work to be done!"
  • "Milkshakes that will give you superpowers!"
  • "Let's give them one more round of applause: give it up for Jermaine and Marlene!"
  • "Anyway gentlemen, come sit on my knee and I shall give you your gifts."
  • "Come, give me hug!"

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